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At Sitting of RA NA Standing Committee on Health Care and Social Affairs
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On May 3, at the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Health Care and Social Affairs moderated by Narek Zeynalyan the draft law on Amending the RA Law on State Property Privatisation Programme for 2017-2020. The key speaker, the RA Minister of Healthcare Arsen Torosyan has informed that it is proposed to remove from the privatisation list Fanarjyan National Center of Oncology and Research Center of Radiation Medicine and Burns Closed Joint-Stock Companies.

The key speaker, the Committee Chair Narek Zeynalyan and the Committee members welcomed the initiative, highlighted the development of the centers through the involvement of the investments in terms of providing more qualified services the assuming of the political responsibility by the state, touched upon the other medical institutions being on the privatisation list.

The initiative was endorsed by the Committee.

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